Well I really didn’t know how to come up with a thesis statement or a main idea and I had a really hard time. But after you went over with the class about how to write a thesis by having an argument and a position, it helped me realize how to start a thesis. I also learned that the main idea should be broad and not specific, but again be a position statement. So every time I post a blog online, it helped me a lot with writing my main idea. But for some reason I do have trouble writing my conclusion and I know conclusion is something you restate from the introduction but I really get a hard time writing that. And I literally take a long time trying to come up with a topic to write about, and I know that’s not a good sign because for the final we only have two hours to write an essay with six hundred words. But free writing will help me come up with a topic because it’s a technique where I’m suppose to come up with one topic and write about it without stopping.
Posting blogs online and interacting with other students from other class is interesting, because it shows other peoples mistakes and it can allow me to see the types of mistakes I make with my writings as well. Also giving feedback to someone outside of the classroom helped in a way because its different from giving feedback to someone you already know in class. It helped me learn the type of mistake that person makes on their essay, and the same error that person make are the same errors I make on my essay so it helped me correct mine. It was kind of hard trying to give that other person a feedback, because I was suppose to write it in a way where that person won’t feel like they didn’t go good on their essay. I also didn’t want to bring down her self confidence on writing an essay or think they did a poor job.
I don’t really having anything to reflect on but to say that I’m starting to improve on my essay, but only on writing up to 600 words or more.
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